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This Web page is a supplement to the article "Putting URL Access Scripting to Work" in TidBITS 481.

Getting Yahoo! Stock Quotes with URL Access Scripting

Mac OS 8.6 includes a new system component called URL Access, which enables applications to upload and download data to and from the Internet without writing their own Internet protocol routines. Scripts can utilize URL Access services using URL Access Scripting, a scriptable application that also ships with Mac OS 8.6.

The following example AppleScript script retrieves a price quote for a particular stock symbol from Yahoo!'s Finance service. The script obtains a stock ticker symbol from the user (such as AAPL for Apple Computer), uses URL Access Scripting to post the form data to Yahoo!'s servers, parses the HTML page returned by Yahoo!'s servers, then displays the results.

Script result screenshot

There are dozens of ways this script could be made more elegant - and adding decent error handling would be a big one. This script is hard-coded to the HTML output returned by Yahoo!'s servers at the time the script was written; when Yahoo! changes their HTML markup, this script will break. Also, parsing the HTML page could be vastly simplified using third party utilities or OSAXen; however, the example script is designed to work with Mac OS 8.6's default AppleScript installation without any add-ons.

Please note this script is provided for informational and instructional purposes only; neither I nor TidBITS can assume any responsibility for its accuracy, compatibility with your system, or your satisfaction. You may distribute this script non-commercially in unaltered form; you may also use it as a basis for your own scripts, if you so desire.

You can download a text-only version (or a binhexed version) of this script that you can open and use in AppleScript's Script Editor application; if you just want to check out how the script works, an HTML version appears below. This script requires Mac OS 8.6.

--Geoff Duncan
Last updated

on run
   set dlgReply to (display dialog "Get a Yahoo! stock quote for this symbol:" ¬
      default answer "AAPL" buttons {"Get Quote", "Cancel"} default button 1 ¬
      giving up after 30)
   if button returned of dlgReply is "Cancel" then return
   set daSymbol to allCaps(text returned of dlgReply)
   -- make a temp file
   set myFile to ((path to temporary items) as string) & "Stock Quote Script Temp"
   -- fetch quote page
   tell application "URL Access Scripting"
      download "http://finance.yahoo.com/q" to file myFile replacing yes ¬
         form data "s=" & daSymbol & "&d=v1"
   end tell
   -- read HTML into a variable
   open for access file myFile
   set quoteHTML to (read file myFile to (get eof file myFile))
   close access file myFile
   -- find the lines with the last trade date and last price
   -- Note: Yahoo changes their HTML format, this needs to change too. 
   set startTag to daSymbol & "</a></td>" & (ASCII character 10)
   set daStart to (the offset of startTag in quoteHTML) + (the length of startTag)
   set daCount to 1
   copy "" to lastTrade
   copy "" to lastPrice
      if text from character (daStart + daCount) to (daStart + daCount + 1) ¬
         of quoteHTML is "/t" then
         if lastTrade is "" then
            set lastTrade to text from character daStart to (daStart + daCount - 2) ¬
               of quoteHTML
            set daStart to daStart + daCount + 5
            set daCount to 1
            set lastPrice to text from character daStart to (daStart + daCount - 2) ¬
               of quoteHTML
            exit repeat
         end if
      end if
      set daCount to daCount + 1
   end repeat
   tell application "Finder" to delete file myFile
   set lastTrade to stripHTMLTags(lastTrade)
   if lastTrade contains ":" then
      -- markets are open, so it's a time
      set lastTrade to "at " & lastTrade
      -- martets are closed, so it's a date
      set lastTrade to "on " & lastTrade
   end if
   display dialog "Yahoo says " & daSymbol & " last traded " & lastTrade & ¬
      " at $" & stripHTMLTags(lastPrice) & "." with icon 1 ¬
      buttons "OK" default button 1 giving up after 30
end run

on allCaps(daText)
   -- very messy capitalization routine
   copy "" to newText
   repeat with i from 1 to the count of character in daText
      set curChar to character i of daText
      set curNum to ASCII number curChar
      if (curNum > 96) and (curNum < 123) then
         set newText to (newText & (ASCII character (curNum - 32))) as string
         set newText to (newText & curChar) as string
      end if
   end repeat
   return newText
end allCaps

on stripHTMLTags(HTML)
   -- slow, and fails on bad HTML that doesn't use entities for < and >
   -- but, requires no OSAXen and is good enough for now.
   set intag to false
   set newText to ""
   repeat with i from 1 to count of character in HTML
      set curChar to character i of HTML
      if curChar is "<" then set intag to true
      if not intag then set newText to (newText & curChar) as string
      if curChar is ">" then set intag to false
   end repeat
   return newText
end stripHTMLTags


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