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Irritated at losing unattended mounting of AppleShare servers with the Mac OS 9 Keychain? Read on for the solution and other poorly documented information about working with servers in Mac OS 9. Matt Neuburg returns with a Tools We Use column on Impossible Software’s TypeTamer, and Steve Becker weighs in with a review of the Mac P&L accounting package. Releases this week include RAM Doubler 9.0.1 (fixing the Office 2001 conflict) and GraphicConverter 4.0.

Matt Neuburg No comments

Tools We Use: TypeTamer Returns

Back in 1995, Tonya wrote about Impossible Software's font utility TypeTamer 1.0; the following year I bought a copy at Macworld Expo, and loved it. In 1998 I began to encounter some application conflicts, and as machines, systems, and applications advanced still further, I had to abandon it entirely

Stephen Becker No comments

Mac P&L Makes Accounting Easy

There's a valuable axiom to consider when deciding whether to buy a Mac or PC for your business: "First, find the software that meets your needs and then decide on the hardware." The best computer in the world is useless if it won't work with the software you need. It's interesting how some perceptions don't change over the years, even if they aren't accurate

Adam Engst No comments

Mounting and Dismounting AppleShare Servers

One of the strengths of the Mac OS has long been its seamless networking with AppleShare or Personal File Sharing servers. Or rather, the seams aren't particularly apparent when you're using one of these servers - there's little you can do on a local hard disk that doesn't work the same on a remote server volume