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FileMaker, Inc. has released FileMaker Pro 5, adding a few features and announcing a controversial $1,000 Unlimited version for Web publishers. Also this week, Adam tries using to buy airline tickets and examines the company’s upcoming name-your-price grocery venture. In the news, we cover Virtual PC 3.0, MindExpander 1.0, and USB Overdrive 1.2, along with the merger of ISP giants EarthLink and MindSpring. Next week: our 500th issue!

Jeff Carlson No comments

Faster Virtual PC 3.0 Shares Net Access

Faster Virtual PC 3.0 Shares Net Access -- Connectix is now shipping Virtual PC 3.0, an upgrade to its program for running Microsoft Windows or other PC operating systems by emulating a Pentium processor (see "Virtual PC 2.0: Not Just a Minor Upgrade" in TidBITS-433)

Adam Engst No comments

USB Overdrive 1.2 Tracks Faster

USB Overdrive 1.2 Tracks Faster -- Alessandro Levi Montalcini has released USB Overdrive 1.2, a free update to his universal USB mouse and joystick driver (see "Maximizing the Mouse" in TidBITS-483)

Adam Engst No comments

EarthLink & MindSpring Merge

EarthLink & MindSpring Merge -- EarthLink and MindSpring, two of the largest U.S. Internet service providers (ISPs), have agreed to merge, forming a new company to be called EarthLink and headed by a combination of the companies' management teams