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Jeff Carlson upped the ante on holiday cards this year with a full-fledged DVD; read on for an article sharing the essential lessons he learned in the process. Adam relates his experience of switching to MaxEmail for incoming fax-to-email service, and Glenn Fleishman covers the announcement of Adobe Creative Suite 2 and notes that Skype users can now receive calls from normal telephones for a small fee. In Take Control news, check out our redesigned Web site!

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Skype Adds SkypeIn for Mac

Skype Adds SkypeIn for Mac -- I've written a bit about Skype, a voice-over-IP program for Mac, Windows, and Linux that offers great quality service, five-user conference calling, and outbound calls at low rates to the regular phone network (see "Road Warrior Scramble" in TidBITS-771)

Jeff Carlson No comments

Building a Holiday DVD

Now that Adam lives in Ithaca, the only time we see each other in person is at January's Macworld Expo in San Francisco. When we met up for the last show, at a small gathering at Joe Kissell's apartment, one of the first things he said was, "Man, you've ruined it for the rest of us!" What had I done? He pointed to Joe's mantelpiece, which had a copy of the beautiful, professionally printed Christmas card that he and Tonya sent out

Adam Engst No comments

Take Control News/04-Apr-05

The last few weeks have been full of work on the Web side of things as we try to make the Take Control site more coherent, easier to use, and helpful to people who would prefer to order via phone or fax. Take Control Web Site Redesigned -- As we gear up for the eventual release of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, we realized that our Web site desperately needed to be redesigned

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/04-Apr-05

The second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be faster. Tinderbox impressions -- Readers take the Tinderbox demo for a spin and compare how well the note-taker works over the long term